

Iceberg in Arctic is melting right now cause by Global Warming. Homeless polar bear decide to start the adventure of his own ...... Go to Antarctica and find out what does Penguin taste like!


1. 點擊左、右按鍵,操作北極熊左右移動,更換跑道。
2. 用滑鼠點擊螢幕後左右滑動,清除迎面而來的惡劣天氣或災難。

1. Press Left and Right button to control the polar bear move to left or right.
2. In order to clean up the incoming snow from the storm, holding left mouse button and wipe the screen left and right.

玩法(How to play):

1. 北極熊會不斷往前跑,並持續消耗能量,當能量歸零時遊戲結束。
2. 撞到障礙物會損失能量。
3. 吃到食物可以恢復能量。
4. 天災出現時,北極熊的能量會迅速減少。

1. Polar bear will keep going forward and consume the energy continually. If running out of the energy, the game is over.
2. Polar bear will loose some energy if hit the obstacle.
3. Polar bear will restore som ennergy if get the fish.
4. Polar bear's energy loose more energy when the storm is coming.



Due to global warming, the rate of disappearance of the Arctic icebergs has accelerated. Losing icebergs also means that polar bears have lost their hunting grounds. It is difficult to hunt for food and cause more enviroment pressure on ethnic groups. Polar bears are endangered.
Through this game, players can experience the cruel environment which polar bears are facing. no matter how Remember, nomatter how hard you tried, the food will never be enough.




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Interesting.... This is interesting....